First NSVI Mission to Haiti — August/September 2010
After his preliminary visit to Haiti in April 2010, NSVI Development Director Dr. Doug Stein was convinced that NSVI was the ideal organization to help mobilize support for (and to help provide) vasectomy services in Haiti. The decade of experience that NSVI had had in the Philippines could be put to excellent use in Haiti. To tap that organizational know-how, Dr. Stein proposed that NSVI expand its service into other developing nations, to truly go “international” as its name implied. NSVI Chairman and CEO Bob Kiamco and NSVI President Ramon Suarez took little convincing, and four months later, Dr. Stein was headed back to Haiti, this time with the generous support of NSVI and in the company of NSVI President and Master Vasectomist Dr. Ramon Suarez.

NSVI President Dr. Ramon Suarez (right) trains Haitian Drs. Fritz Lolagne and Guy Dugue in Cap-Haitien on August September 2, 2010.
Before Dr. Stein was comfortable with the use of WordPress, the web publishing platform that powers this NSVI site, he found it easier to summarize the first NSVI Mission to Haiti on his own website. So rather than duplicate all of that work here on the NSVI site, we ask that you simply click the links below to open another window and read about vasectomy in Haiti.
First NSVI Mission to Haiti – August 2010
Second NSVI Mission to Haiti – May 2011